Black Sea Gods by Brian Braden
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
*This was given to me free via the Read It and Reap program in exchange for an honest review.*
Okay, after reading the first 20 pages I kept shaking my head thinking... what!?! Maybe I'm just not smart enough to keep up but this book, it just seemed like too much, and the names oh my goodness, ridiculous! I mean I couldn't even remember them, but that might have had something to do with their lack of personality, who knows.
I hate writing a bad review, especially for read to review books or just indie authors in general, but there wasn't one thing in this story I loved or even liked. The only reason I finished it was because I said I would and didn't want to go back on my word, though I kind of wish I had because the further I got into the story the head-shaking was upgraded to just plain pissed off.
I hate when you read a book and you feel stupid during or after. It wasn't that I had a hard time with the grammar or vocab, just the mythological aspect, and I openly admit to being uneducated in that department, but still this was something else all together, not just mythological but kind of tied up with biblical aspects as well, and I simply just didn't get it. After reading other reviews I thought maybe it was just me, but then I had my husband TRY to read it and after page 23 he was like "never again" and shot out of the room yelling it over and over. Needless to say it wasn't just me, or maybe I married stupid as well, but I doubt that.
The beginning of the book dragged on and on, and I literally had to re-read half this book because I thought I had missed something. The characters were just boring the plot though semi new and inventive dull and impossible for me to follow. I think this book could have been executed differently and then maybe I would have liked it more, but maybe not.
So far I have loved fantasy book based on mythology, but this one just kept putting me to sleep. Basically guys I didn't like it AT ALL, but I'm not going to say much else because this is just my opinion and you might enjoy it, maybe if you like complicated names and weird plots impossible to follow and make you want to jump in a cold shower just to wake yourself up after the contagious fatigue leaking out this book. If you do try good luck and gods speed.
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