Thursday, January 30, 2014

Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1)Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wowzer! Not disappointed in the least! Great book! Review to come!

Holy hell talk about ecstasy! This book was stuffed full with passion and angst. I ENJOYED & HATED this book. Frustrated overwhelmed me at time, I felt myself saying ‘come on and do the dirty already’ And holy cow, when they finally do **fans herself** brace yourself laddies, lots of emotion and passion in this story.

The hate goes more with the ending and the fact that Cat can't get past being half vampire. He constant inner dialog with accepting who she is and how Bones feels about her is exhausting sometimes. I kept screaming 'if you don't want him, give him to me!' then had to remind myself 'just a story Alex, just a story' but make no mistake, Bones is the perfect fantasy. He had me giggling, blushing and down right fanning myself.

If you are looking for a story pact with heat, almost electrifying and romance with so much passion you feel like shaking your fist at god for not sending you your own Bones then this is the story for you.

I always know when I read a truly awesome love story because I always storm into my husbands office or personal space and practically scream 'why can't you be more like (insert lovers name here)' and then huff and storm away. Though he has grown used to this behavior and often Google's who he should emulate for that week, I know that the story is amaze balls! This is one of those stories... I think my hubby is on Google now hehehe.

Give it a try ya'll!

View all my reviews

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